Thermografie imaging:

                                                                    The thermal imaging is a method of the diagnostics and serves for it with thermal images disease states.
                                                                    recognizing and treating exactly on the point to hand of heat emissions.
                                                   ( See above example pictures). It is the exact focus of disease to identify .Den
                                                   muscles and tendons are on radiographs only in such a waynot recognizing. It
                                                   saves a sedation the  legs according to the exclusion principle (deaden this)
mostly, moreover, what for the horse is  still completely painless?


                                                   Beispiele Temperaturmessungen:           Mit dem Thermo- - Scanner

 Messung vor                                 Messung während                              Messung nach   
                                                         Belastung                                    normaler  Belastung                          starker Belastung    

                                                  The pain on the trace with the laser - thermo scanner  New  !  ( Mobil. )  

                                                   Lahmheiten and relieving postures are external visible signals for painful
                                                  inflammable events in the body. This reacts with an increased circulation
                                                   of the areas fallen ill. Warmth is, produced this one thanks to the
                                                   laser thermo-
scanners with a special measurement procedure  you measure.
                                                   It is unsuitably, there conventional laser gauges  for this diagnostic
use readings which are inaccurate and distorted by the coat of hair
of the animal provide a new highly developed measurement procedure on
                                                   the other hand,  measures every still so insignificant difference in temperature
                                                   with a precision of 0.1% For the assessment this one Measurement
results become one comparison measurements
each corresponding to one part of the body not fallen ill carried out.
Acupuncture ?

                                                   Our sports, and leisure horse is partly more greatly subject to loads primarily
                                                   in the area this one
Locomotors system. At this point sets the acupuncture
and acupressure as well as the massage. How every other top athlete
                                                   needs a horse primarily physiotherapeutic support in Contact with
                                                   the veterinary surgeon to be treated and rider. It is aim, a healthy
                                                   and performance ready Horse which gives way to the interest-yielding
                                                   helps without bracings and without stress. One has internationally these

                                                   Meaning of the acupuncture recognized and uses this method of
treatment specifically already since long 


                                                   A mechanical, thermal and chemical effect can cause. The sound waves
 in the parts of the body as longitudinal waves. Becoming
                                                  particle displacements and accelerations through this hese lead
mechanical effect to a mechanical use of the cells and  molecules caused
In addition, a part of the energy is taken when swinging the particles and  
converted to warmth ( .Die intensity depends on the density of the body
                                                   substance, i.e. bones
take ten times thermal effect) more ultrasound
                                                   on as soft partial fabric. Leading the warmth and mechanical effect of the
                                                   ultrasound to one Rise of the microcirculation of the blood and
                                                   for an inner fabric massage (micro massage).
Mechanical effect
                                                   becomes the natural metabolism and the circulation of the fabric by the
One also can healing reactions by the irritation of the nerve
                                                   cells by means of that
 one of the mechanical effect  one these
stimulate, z. B can help by "long-distance effect" in  which at
                                                   rheumatic illnesses all of the nerves spread a warming the sound head
means of  the thermal effect of this one Ultrasound leads
of the capillary vessels to one
and to the circulation support and
                                                   Schmerzstillung therefore.

                                         My new method, so that horses jump better!

                                                   Long studies in the ultrasound treatment have this one shown me
sound waves in connection with acupuncture points a good
                                                   one Achieve jump fortunes without side effects  can. By vibrations this
                                                   one Ultrasound ca.1 million in the second are the red blood corpuscles
accelerated and warmed in the blood? The capillary vessels are enlarged
                                                   and the circulation promoted; what this has the consequence,  the
                                                   muscles, tendons and ribbons himself already  before the load warms
enriched with oxygen. In turn this leads all muscles, and be tendons and
                                                   ribbons, to it this get supple, because only a locomotors system which is
                                                   exercised well and supple can consist in jumping at the great loads.
                                                   These Danger of injury is, reduced considerably what at long last
the sports partner horse comes too good. Of course this method does
                                                    not come without training. An individual training plan is, so that  
made for every horse a permanent training condition remains unchanged.
                                                   With this  
preparation like train oil for the world rider games in Jerez (Spain)
and this one World Cups in the Orientierungsreiten (T.R.E. C) in El Rocio
                                                   (Spain) became Method means examinations used Spring and three-day
                                                   event, and already led to the success after short time. You should
                                                   you are welcome without obligation to be interested in this method once
                                                   unites appointment is free of charge the first application. With own so
                                                   that you  Can the jumping  behaviour has an effect like itself at your
horse see eyes. The successes at your horse become with, before and
                                                   afterwards occupied video recordings
Make a non-committal
Make a non-committal appointment. I would be pleased to
                                                   be allowed to welcome you in my practice soon.

                                                    Rolf Mahr

                                                    (AGB) for the practice for Pfedephysiotherapie

                                                   Copyright © 2018 - 2021 by Rolf Mahr-(AGB) for the practice for Pfedephysiotherapie - protection of data privacy